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Product categories and pricing

WT embryos

Provided in quantities of 200.

WT adults

Provided in quantities of 5 pairs.

Tg/mut embryos

Provided in quantities of at least 30 (up to 120 depending on fertilization success), generally from an IVF or outcross against AB wild-type females. In some cases an incross may be performed. Information on the type of cross will be provided with the shipment.

Sanger embryos

Provided in quantities of at least 30 (up to 120 depending on fertilization success), from an IVF or outcross against AB wild-type females. If not enough embryos are generated by IVF and not enough sperm samples are available to retry, we will instead grow up the line and ship embryos from identified carriers when they are ready. This may increase shipping time to 4 months or more. Note that we cannot reduce your price in this case.

Tg/mut adults

Identified adults provided in quantities of 3 pairs.


5 μg of plasmid DNA is provided as a dry spot on a filter paper, to academic customers only.

Snail eggs

Eggs of Planorbella sp. provided in quantities of 100.

Additional items are available on request - see EZRC_Pricing_Info.pdf


Item (unit size) Academic Commercial
WT embryos (200 embryos) € 240 € 480
WT adults (5 pairs) € 90 *
Tg/mut embryos (30 or more embryos € 360 € 720
Sanger embryos (30 or more embryos) € 730 € 1,460
Tg/mut adults (3 pairs) € 750 € 1,500
Plasmid (5µg) € 90 n.a.
Snail eggs (100 eggs) € 40 € 80

* NOTE: For-profit organisation shall please contact us for information on availability and prices and to request a quotation.

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Additional charges

Box charges

For zebrafish and snail orders a € 40 box charge is applied per box. Some shipments may require multiple boxes.

Processing fees

A fee is charged to cover the costs associated with documents, billing and invoicing.

Processing fee per invoice
Fish (domestic)€ 30
Fish (international)€ 100
Plasmids + snails€ 20

A 100 € documents charge will be applied if special transport documents such as certificates of origin are required.

Shipping charges

You will be billed for the actual shipping charges by KIT.

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Item nameItem #CategoryUnit sizeUnit priceQuantityPrice
myh9a sa15720 (TL)16402Sanger embryos30 embryos€ 730.00 € 730.00

Total: € 730.00

Please note that additional charges will be added to the indicated price.